laughing stock
someone who is a laughing stock has done something so silly that people have no respect for them
The programme has made the U.S. a laughingstock .
1. But exactly how does a newcomer to the stock market go about achieving that? 但是, 一个股票市场的新手又如何能做到这一点呢?
2. Well, if you go to five reputable stock brokers and ask them what you should do with your money, 如果你去向5位有威望的股票经纪人咨询,询问你应该如何使用你的资金,
3. The Tokyo Stock Exchange often has between 200 and 300 million transactions a day. 东京证交所每天通常有2-3亿笔交易。
4. This volume is many times more than that of the New York Stock Exchange. 这个交易额是纽约证交所的许多倍。
5. The stock's still too expensive, but I think in the long term they'll get it right." 股价仍然过高,但我认为长期来看,他们会使其恢复正常的。"
6. He ceded his stock holdings to his children. 他将股票过户给他的子女。
7. He has a good stock of information. 他拥有大批资料。
8. He loved to be told that one of his imaginary products was temporarily out of stock and he would faithfully promise to call again at some future date, but of course he never did. 他爱听售货员说他想像出来的那种东西暂时脱销,于是他就煞有介事地许诺改天再来光顾。当然,他再也不会来了。
9. His laughing sounded like the low cry of an animal. The wolf cried back. 他的笑声听起来像是一只野兽的低嗥。那条狼也叫了起来,作为应答。
10. Does that shop stock raincoats? 那个商店备有雨衣吗?